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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

9 Courses

1 Subject

Week 6 Discussion 2 Philosophy & Religion

Week 6 Discussion 2 Philosophy & Religion

Q Resources Conduct research as necessary to identify topic. (You may use resources listed in other activities for this discussion.) Introduction Your final project for this course is a major research paper about any aspect of the humanities that interests you. This week, you get to kick around ideas in this discussion thread and help each other think through what you would like to research. Initial Post Instructions As you think through topics you might like to research, look through the broad topics we have already discussed in this course, as well as the topics yet to come. In this post, write about one or two ideas for research papers. Be as specific as possible, even including potential thesis statements. Secondary Post Instructions The secondary posts may be even more important for this discussion than the initial ones. This is your opportunity to help your classmates hone their ideas. The more everyone participates, the more everyone is helped. Writing Requirements (MLA format) In addition to one initial post, respond to at least two peers. Initial Post Length: minimum of 350 words (Citations do not apply to your total word count.) Secondary Post Length: minimum of 200 words per post Use MLA format for in-text citations and list of references. Grading and Assessment Meeting the minimum number of postings does not guarantee an A; you must present an in-depth discussion of high quality, integrate sources to support your assertions, and refer to peers’ comments in your secondary posts to build on concepts. Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1. Demonstrate their ability to do graduate-level research and writing in the humanities. 2. Examine and evaluate many of the subdisciplines within the humanities. 3. Participate in several aspects of online instruction and the various technologies supporting it. 4. Use appropriate and effective writing style. 5. Engage in meaningful dialogue on ideas relevant to the interdisciplinary study of the humanities. 6. Identify and define major debates as well as key critical concepts of the humanities.

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For my research paper, the topic I have chosen is very wide and that is “The place of Humanities as a subject in today’s modern world”. I will argue how the humanities have been subjected to a growing devaluation within the world of academia over the last four decades. However, It is important to note that this discrimination against humanities degrees is indirect, as it is primarily the product of systematic promotion of other fields, such as criminology, management, technical writing, etc. Nonetheless, when compared to other fields, such a phenomenon has resulted in a significant fall in the ratio of humanities majors in a group of 30